Fall Book Review: The Time Keeper

Its fall and this season always makes me want to curl up with a good book, a blanket and a cup of coffe in my new mug. 

Here is what I've been reading the last couple weeks and I thought I would share some recommendations and some advisements : ) 
1. City of Thieves-David Benioff-  My Score:  9/10 
LOVED IT! I love hearing history from the other sides perspective and this story follows two Russians through one week of life during Hitlers' invasion. Their are lots of insightful tidbits into what life was like during world war two and you end up falling in love with the two main characters as their unlikely friendship evolves. There are some dark realities that come with any book that talks of war, but I still definitely recommend!

2. Is Everyone Hanging out Without me?- Mindy Kaling My Score 7.5/10
A quick lighthearted read that brings you into the mind of the Office write, Kaling. She is quick witted, open to discuss her flaws and has a personal way of writing that makes you feel like you are actually sitting with her and having a conversation. The chapters are not chronological, but more of just a nonsensical organization of thoughts, which i found delightful.

3. The Time Keeper- Mitch Albom  My Score 8.5/10
This book makes you think. About time. About the fact that there wasn't always a way that we measured years, days, hours or minutes that passed, and now we have it broken down to count within a one thousandth of a second. We are surrounded by kitchen timers, wall clocks, phones, and watches to remind us constantly of how much has passed. It was a clean, hopeful read with a predictable yet enlightening end.

4. The Lover's Dictionary- David Levithal- My Score 2/10
I don't even know if i can even offer a genuine score on this one. I started reading it before i went to bed and couldn't make it through 10 pages. Not because I was tired, I just didn't get it. It literally is like a little dictionary of love anecdotes .. one on each pageguess? I crave storyline and character development, this one just wasn't for me.

What books have you guys been reading? I would love to hear your recommendations!

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